Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daddy is funny

Guess who's idea this was??? I think Ian has more fun giving Mary a bath than she does splashing in it. Usually I'll be out finishing up the dishes or something and I'll hear Ian in there "bombing" her with water.

I know this is what he's doing because I'll hear things like, "Watch out Mary! It's going to get you!" ('it' being the little water toy that squirts water) and "oh no! oh no! Gotcha gotcha gotcha!"

I also thought I'd share another funny moment with Ian. It's totally unrelated, but we were talking the other day about how we have like 7 weddings to go to this summer. I am a HUGE fan of weddings. Dancing, friends (sometimes...), free food! What's not to like???? Ian on the other hand, is a little less enthusiastic. He's always trying to get out of them. He seriously begs me/whines not to go. One time he even stomped his foot. Yeah, he's 29. Well the other day I was asking him about this one wedding and if we would attend. He came up with this:
Ian - "Megan, seriously I think I have a soccer game on that day"
Me - "Ian that seriously does not get you out of going to __________'s wedding!"
Ian - "Are you telling me that if Marvin Lewis got invited to a wedding on game day that he should skip the game??????"

Touche. NOT. That was so funny I laughed for like an hour. The best part was that Ian was SO serious about it. Like he firmly believes that his argument is a good one. I will try not to squash his man-pride because I really do believe that coaching the high school boys is a great thing, but it's no professional sport. Sorry baby cakes. And it's a moo point (you a cows opinion;)) anyway because I think Marvin SHOULD go to a wedding even if it's on game day.

1 comment:

Mary Rector said...

"it's MOO!"
good story, if it was MY wedding, I would kick his butt for not being for THIS summer, I'll be your date friend!