Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Winter blahs

Looky what I built this morning:)

It's been so long since we played trains but yesterday Ian took Noah to ikea for a daddy/son time and Noah picked a set that had that circle train turner thing. It's a welcome change of pace as winter is starting to  create some cabin fever in our house. Noah has been so excited about ikea since he found out that they sell cinnamon rolls and hot dogs so cheaply that we will actually buy them for him. And there is an indoor place to play.

In the upper left corner of the picture you can see J's little legs. The other kids built him a separate train track to play with so he doesn't break theirs. He actually sat and played for a bit! And that is about the extent of our excitement for now. Looking forward to getting outside soon to play! We also had court for J recently which I plan to share about, but I'm still processing all that I saw. No big advancements in his case...but court was for sure a new experience for us.

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