Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quotable: soccer edition

Ian coached Mary's soccer team this fall, along with two of our other friends, and it has been a hilarious time. Our first quote comes when Mary was in the goal and Ian had three boys set to play against her...

Ian: ok boys, your job is to try and score on my daughter, but you've got to get through me first!
Other coach: uh, you may want to rethink how you worded that
Ian: oh! You guys will NOT score on my daughter and you WILL to go through me first!

Another time our team was up by a lot (even though there is no official score) so this was Ian's solution...

Ian: ok guys we can't score anymore, so when we get to their side of the field you need to just pass it to Mary.
Boy on our team: (passes ball to Mary- it bounces off her legs and she stares at it- he looks up at Ian in horror with an 'are you kidding me' look on his face)
Ian: Buddy, girls are going to be frustrating you for the rest of your life! Get used to it!

Ian (to boy on team): hey bud run on back to coach Matt and he will show you what to do.
Matt: (staring up at the sky where another kid on the team was pointing)
Ian: Matt! You're supposed to be teaching them where to stand!
Matt: what? He saw a plane! 

There were so many funny moments. Hopefully more will come back to me!

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