Thursday, October 3, 2013

Noah's learning time

We have started some actual structured learning time with Noah a couple days a week. I thought I would share a couple resources that we use for our little man.
  • There's always the amazing starfall and they now have starfall apps! So we put both the letters and the learning to read ones on the ipad and both him and Mary love them.
  • The tried and true preschools packs and all the other great resources on that site
  • I recently found the pattern block printables pictured above and we already had the Melissa and Doug blocks and boards.
  • And my kids LOVE the dot-a-dot markers so I found these great printables to use with them.
  • And I follow the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading with him just like I did with Mary. Seriously works like a charm:) Except we don't really follow their order...just do whatever letter corresponds with the topic we have that week.

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