Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The other day we were reading through Love You Forever. We got to the part where the boy grows up and gets a house of his own...
Mary: someday I will get a house of MY own!
Mary's friend: me too!
Noah: I will just stay with my mommy forever.

Yes! Can I get that in writing???

Lately he thinks it's really funny to wipe off my kisses or run from me when I try to kiss him. But he also wants cuddle time every night before bed. And it has to be in my bed with the covers snuggled up over us, otherwise it doesn't count. I think he may be trying to prolong bedtime at this point. But he's so cute and sincere about it I can't say no:)

1 comment:

Julie said...

not a flattering pic for either of you.....