Monday, August 26, 2013

The princess turns 5

Look at this face!
 Sometimes it's hard to believe that God gave me this amazing blessing! And to think, 5 years ago this was her:
Crazy. She has changed so much. At this age she is so fun. She loves to climb, jump, RUN everywhere she goes, read/look at books, and play with anyone who is up for it! She also loves the water and always asks when we can go to the water park (the neighborhood pool). 
 She loves her brothers, although she is now getting to a point where she wants to do things without them sometimes too. But they aren't with her on that yet, they still want to ALWAYS be with Mary.

 She can do so many things for herself now, which is an awesome place to be as a mom. She just started her first soccer team and it is hilarious for the onlookers. The kids are all so excited and just run around like crazy people chasing a ball. I think kids just like to be together and running at the same time?

 Most of the time she is very sweet and gentle. She loves to help her brothers (especially her baby T man) and she thinks of others often. Today we are going to lunch with GG and after soccer we will head over to flubs for a birthday treat! Hopefully she will feel very loved and appreciated on her big 5 birthday!

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