Thursday, July 11, 2013

I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee

That's how Noah tells people he's 3 now, "i'm freeeeeeeeee". He is SUCH a joy to us. He is funny, charming, friendly and just plain loveable. We joke that he will always get what he wants because he just knows how to get things from people. For example, I was laying with him the other day to snuggle before bed and I told him it was bed time and I was going to go out. He proceeded to start rubbing my hair and face, and while doing so he said, "mommy you're so beautiful. I just looooooove you! Can you stay a little longer?" Three. He's THREE and he's that good. Unbelievable.
 He's generally very agreeable and happy, but we are currently working on doing things that daddy and mommy ask him to do without whining. I found a cute little reward chart and it has been great in helping him know what it means to do things right away and without complaining. Our theme last week was 'I don't quit, I persevere.' So I will ask him to do something and sometimes he will still just give me this I-don't-want-to look and I will remind him that we do things without whining or complaining. Then he will say, "ok mommy I perservere!" I love how he talks:) And it's hilarious to me that he will use that word.

We went to Chuck E Cheese (which he calls chocolate cheese) for his birthday. It is so amazing for me to watch him. As we sang happy birthday he just sat, smiled and looked at his cupcake. I love his peaceful, yet often times LOUD, personality. Speaking of loud, this kid's normal voice is like a regular person's yelling voice. We are always saying, "Hey bud we are right here next to you! You don't need to scream." But he has no idea what we're talking about because to him it isn't a scream, it's just his normal volume.

One of his gifts was a dog tag type necklace that says "warrior" on the tag. We hope to raise him with a warrior mentality and he does such a great job even at this young age. We love this little warrior to pieces! 

1 comment:

michelle said...

Happy Birthday, Noah! My blog reader was down so I missed the big day but your buddies send love from afar :) can't wait to play again!