Saturday, July 27, 2013


Mary: mommy, did you have a diarrhea when you were a kid?
Me: a what?!
Mary: I have a diarrhea
Me: we need to pull over and find a bathroom. Wait, do you mean a diary?
Mary: yeah! A diarrhea!

Noah: mommy tell me more about when I was born
Me: well the bible says God knit you together in my belly. That means God put you together in my belly like how mommy puts together blankets.
Noah: but some people don't love God. Satan went to get them.
Me: (huh? Where do you come up with this) Um, yes, some people don't believe God made them. And satan is God's enemy. We pray that Satan wont come near our house!
Noah: WOAH! Let's lock the door so satan won't come in!

God help me know how to talk to these kids!

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