Monday, April 22, 2013

Thomas 11 months

I know I say this every month but it's hard to believe how old he is! He will be one next month! I still don't know what we're doing for his birthday. We are moving two days later but we still need to celebrate.

I really feel like his mind has grown a lot lately. He just seems to understand things more and make actual decisions now. We have started to call him tenacious T. He sets his mind on something and it is sometimes pretty humorous what he will do to get it. Sometimes he "karate chops" us if we are in his way or if he is done eating and we are still trying to feed him. He can twist his body so quickly when he wants to get down. And, much to Mary and Noah's dismay, he is becoming interested in more complex toys and in what others are doing. He always follows them around now and they just want to play with their legos without him destroying them!

Physical Growth
Around 9 months and then again around 10 months a stomach bug went through all of us so he didn't eat a whole lot. I remember getting nervous he was losing too much weight. But he is back to his champion eater status and is looking like a little chunky monkey once again. He is cruising well now and crawling on all fours instead of dragging himself. I think he will be so happy once he can walk so he can reach things Mary and Noah put out of his reach! We are working on getting him to be more independent when it comes to eating. He will eat anything off a spoon but will only pick certain things up to feed himself...
Spiritual Growth
I feel like a slight failure in this category. Not that you can expect a ton from a baby...but I haven't been praying for him as much as I would like. So this will be my goal this next month. Step it up! I have a journal to write prayers for him in and I have all the power of a praying mom prayers typed up on cards. I just need to be diligent in prayer for him. I know how important it is, but it can be so hard when I don't have much quiet time to  myself. I guess I just need to get in the habit of praying all the time like scripture says and not be distracted by everything going on around us constantly!

Social Development
He is still pretty sociable. He has certain favorite people... but mostly he is content with anyone holding him. And he is becoming more content when you put him down too! Since he is a good crawler now and can move freely I think he's ready to explore. And I'm grateful for that so I don't have to hold him all the time! He will reach for people and chat it up with them in his little baby talk.

In that last picture he got tired of crawling on that rough surface so he started the hands and feet crawl. He is mostly a happy little man, but definitely is starting to have more of an opinion on things when you tell him no or try to stop him from doing something.

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