Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Moving on

We are in the process of moving! And it has been a crazy process. We put our house on the market a week ago, got an offer the next day, and accepted the negotiated terms the day after that. Then we went house hunting, which is not as fun as it sounds. I guess I thought it would be like going to the candy store, browsing around, then picking your favorite! But the problem is, unfortunately, houses are not like candy. None of them are perfect. Some are in great shape but not in the right place or not the right price, and some are trashed but at the right price. So it's a process of deciding what you want to deal with and what not.

Anyway, when it comes down to it I will miss my current house. After 7 years it is finally just the way I want it and now we think it's time to move. We are pretty sure this is what God wants us to do, but at the same time it's scary because as of may 25 we will be out of a house! We put a bid on one but I'm not sure that's going to work out, we will know sometime today. We also have our inspection on our home today so that could be a game changer too! Who knows! There are so many unknowns in this process. I think that's why I didn't handle it well the first week. That and the speed the process is taking. But I am confident again that God is in control and he will provide for us!

I copied the pictures of our home because they look awesome and because I really will miss this place. My kids probably won't remember it at all so I want to have pictures to point back to and say this is where you were brought home after you were born. This is where you slept. Etc. and they probably won't care:) But I do!


michelle said...

oh my goodness! I guess I haven't been to your house in too long... I never saw it after you got it ready to put on the market. It's spotless! Good job - guess that helped in selling it in two days. Oh and God's plans :) Excited for what He has for you in the next one!

Steph said...

We're in the process of buying a house here and I totally know what you mean about house hunting not being as fun as it sounds! I quickly realized that there would have to be some compromises. Happy to hear that you sold quickly. Praying now that you can find the "perfect" house for your family's needs and for a quick move!