Friday, March 1, 2013

Thomas 9 months

It seems silly to call this education but it's how Thomas' mind is growing:) Since he is mobile we are teaching him what he can and can't touch and where he can and can't go. It's an interesting process for sure, but he is getting it! For example, we almost always leave the door to the stairs open if we are near them because we want to teach him not to go near the stairs. Ian was in the kitchen so I ran down to change the laundry over. I knew that Thomas would try to follow. I didn't expect that it would be MARY teaching him not to. But I heard her get close to him like we do and say, "Thomas! You may not go near the stairs. You are too little!"  Ha! The best part is she sounded exactly like me. He's at the point now where most of the time all I have to do is say his name and he will stop what he's doing... but not always.

Physical Growth
At his appointment last week he had only gained a pound since 6 months. He was sick all last week and barely wanted to eat...but he still looks like a little chunky monkey to me so it's good he had some padding to use up. Plus this is when all my kids have fallen off their growth charts. Ah well. We will continue pushing avocado since he loves it so much! Turns out he had an ear infection so I can't blame him for not wanting to do anything.
All he wants to do is stand! He will crawl over, stand up while holding on to me, and just stand there forever. He likes it when I walk him around but he's also content just standing there. He will giggle and coo and you can just tell he's so happy to be standing.

Spiritual Growth
Our prayers for Thomas are pretty wide open right now since we don't know what he will be like. But we do pray specific prayers since he's a boy: that got would make him a strong warrior for the kingdom, that he would learn to provide and protect, and that he would have a strong love for and knowledge of the word so he can lead others in it. I have started reading to him more as he likes books so I will read him the little cuddle and sing books we have. We sing Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Is With Me.

Social Development
Thomas is pretty social for a baby. It's hard to say really. But he will pretty much go to anyone. He really prefers me, but I can hand him to someone at church or even a new babysitter and he happily goes. I think he just wants to be held and doesn't really care who is doing the holding. He's a cuddler like his brother! He is starting to say more complicated sounds (ma, ga, goo) so I have been pointing at him and saying Thomas then pointing at me and saying mama. I love when they can say mama:) He loves to climb all over people and smiles at everyone often.

Thomas, you are my sweet baby boy and I am loving this age! Please continue to cuddle with me and reach for me all your life!

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