Friday, March 29, 2013

Thomas 10 months

I love this picture because I think it is hilarious that this kid wont stay sitting up in the tub. I plop him down on his butt and he immediately flips over and lays down on his belly. Lately he is loving the bath tub!

I'm having a hard time coming up with something for this section... He is doing a little better with object permanence. But he still freaks out sometimes when I leave the room. My little man just LOVES his mommy! He is signing "more" pretty well now and sometimes I think he knows "all done" too. But it's hard to tell if he's signing "all done" or if he's just really excited...
Physical Growth
This man is an eating machine! He seriously eats like he hasn't eaten in weeks, at every meal. Tonight at dinner Ian said, "He just keeps eating! He must really like this!" It was broccoli. He just likes to eat. I'm not complaining, it just is something to marvel at. He is a super fast army crawler so he will start to crawl on his hands and knees now, but usually reverts to the army crawl. Then he will find somewhere to stand and cruise around. He's eating mostly solid chunks of food, but I still spoon feed him a decent amount of purees. Makes for less mess. He is working on his two top front teeth and I can't wait for them to be in. He is not a graceful teether!

Spiritual Growth
Thomas just loves to cuddle. And lately I have been really making an effort to tie some heart strings between us, as the Pearl's would say. Basically I just try to have a special time with each kid each day. With Thomas lately I have been holding him close (hence the cuddliness) and dancing/singing to hymns with him. He just lays his little head back in my arms and watches me sing. It is so sweet I never want to stop! But then his brother and sister come in and sit on my feet or run circles around us, etc. etc. So I squeeze the time in when I can and enjoy every minute.

Social Development
This is basically the same except he will now stay calm for a while if I leave a room! Victory! He will go to pretty much anyone and be content with them. He just likes to be held. He prefers me of course...but a lap is a lap most of the time. He's super smiley and pretty tenacious. We are working on the typical 10 month things like learning what to touch and what not to touch, but this kid (also in typical 10 month old fashion) just doesn't quit. He has a stubborn mommy so we will see who wins this war:)

Overall he is such a fun baby right now and I am savoring the last of his baby months. Soon he will be walking and running and toddling away from me.

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