Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The usual

You know sometimes when people ask you what you've been up to and you say "the usual"? That's how it's been for us lately. I do have some great pics on my camera to share but they are un-editable...which means I won't take them off my camera. After I got some access to photoshop that computer died! Technology woes...

So here are some pics from the old iPad! The first is Noah hiding when he was supposed to be looking at books...I guess the only instruction I gave him was stay in the chair while I make lunch.
And here are some more random moments

Saturday, October 27, 2012

First foods

Thomas had his first taste of food the other day! I was trying to wait until 6 months...but this kid is a champion eater and a big boy. My milk supply is pretty good, but it's just not satisfying him anymore. So we have started to give him some creamy avocado.

The classic 'first taste of solid food' face. I love it:) Each day he gets a little more used to having a spoon shoved in his mouth with mushy stuff on it. He did really well for his first time! Next up...carrots? One of my friends who is starting to make food for her first kid asked me for some help with making food, so thanks to her I already have a few foods made for Thomas! This is a stage I really enjoy with my kids. Until he becomes mobile it's smooth sailing! Take your time please!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baby P

A couple weeks ago my close friend welcomed her second child into the world and I had the privilege of being there. A couple days before we had a false alarm and spent some time in triage. I think it was a good idea for her to go since she had never felt labor before (was induced the first time) and was a little nervous. That put her at ease and allowed her to sleep a little more soundly I'm sure the next few nights.

I got a call around 1230 AM that she was in labor for sure and they just wanted to keep me posted. Her husband described a few other things to me and it really sounded to me like she was progressing well and fast so I told him that I'd like to come. That was fine, but 5 minutes later I got another call, "heading to the hospital". So I hopped in the car and got another call a few minutes later. She feels a little "pushy". Yep, sounds normal. Baby time!

I arrived at the hospital and met one of the mother's friends who was coming to the birth as she was on her way up as well. We walked in to see a pretty calm mother on hands and knees, very much into her self and her labor. She was completely dilated on arrival (that's the third time it's happened with mom's I've worked with...I should start advertising that or something) but she wasn't quite pushing yet. I think baby was just working her way down and mom was letting her come slowly. Exactly what she should be doing! It was just great, and the staff was great even though the OB didn't make it in time (the second time that's happened with my clients...probably shouldn't advertise those odds). Literally 30 minutes later baby P arrived! She was perfect, healthy, beautiful, and caught by her daddy with skillful hands. I was so proud of my friends and impressed with the staff.

Although, the hospital midwife who was called in wanted to clamp and cut the cord right away. What is it with that? I feel like this has been a "thing" long enough that people should know better? Ah well. She promptly complied when she was made aware that they wanted to wait to cut the cord. Say what you will about Mercy hospital...I think it's been a great place to give birth and attend births! Of course they have dumb policies like everywhere else, but they can be navigated:)

Welcome baby P!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Guess who's 4 months old?

 THIS GUY! And guess who got photoshop back???? That's right. I'm currently using it for a 30 day period...then my bootleg copy is getting the boot. At that point it's decision time. Do I shell out the money for photoshop, or just go with elements? I think I will see what kind of haul I bring in for my birthday. Which is October 31st. Hint.

Thomas is still well loved by his big brother and sister. He is rolling from front to back, but then he ends up like a turtle on it's shell. It's pretty entertaining, except for when he does it at 3 AM and we have to go in and roll his butt back over. He is so sweet! I think he may have more of a serious personality? Or maybe it's too early to tell. I have to pull out my best mommy tricks to get him to smile sometimes, but I can generally get the job done.

For the past couple days he's been a little needy and grumpy. Maybe he figured out he's 4 months old and wants to go through a phase already. Anyway, I took him to get adjusted today and the Chiropractor told me that usually babies take a really long nap or have a really big poop after adjustments. So maybe he'll make it 12 hours tonight? Or maybe he will end his 5 day poopless streak? Either way I'd be happy.

Not much else new to update! I think he is growing soooo fast. Way too fast. With Mary especially and with Noah too I just wanted them to get bigger so I could talk to them, so they would spend less time sleeping, so they could crawl, walk, etc. But with Thomas I just want to freeze time. I don't want him to grow! Stay a baby!