Monday, August 27, 2012

3 months

Baby Thomas is 3 months old! He is smiley and cooing and just being so fun. I love how chunky he is and how cuddly. Although his newness has worn off his brother and sister still think he's the coolest:) Mary especially loves to help with him. He's such a laid back little man. He's usually pretty happy and will be content to just stare around the room.

Coming in second for the amount of comments we get comes the ring sling I made for Thomas (it's close behind Noah's red hair). He LOVES this sling. I never used one with the other kids, but I've really liked it now that life is more active and we're out more during times Thomas would like to be asleep. I call it my traveling crib. Since he was born he has loved to snuggle and sleep in his sling and I have loved every minute of it. He's starting to get a little heavy in there but he will sleep well in it even in the evenings when he usually has a hard time sleeping in his crib. So I'll keep putting him in until he outgrows that nap. It's such a short time really!

We get comments on it everywhere. I guess it's not one of the most common ways babies travel? But strangers often ask where I got it, how I made it, and say how comfy he looks. It's a good conversation starter I guess:)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mary's Birthday Weekend!

Mary got her nails done for her birthday:)

It was so fun to go with her to get her nails done for her 4 birthday! She's been so excited to turn 4 but when she woke up today I think it was a little anticlimactic for her. It's possible she thinks that a birthday is a party? Who knows. I also took her to the zoo on Friday but I don't have any pictures from that. In the past year we've really seen her come out of her shell. She is still shy, but she's a lot more adventurous than ever before as well. She has also started to be more inquisitive and conversational which is fun for me. I love hearing what's going through her mind! She's my sweet little girl and we are so grateful that God gave her to us.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Family weekend

As mentioned in the previous post, two weekends ago was my family reunion! The whole week was filled with family and I couldn't have enjoyed it more. I loved having my Atlanta family up and seeing all of our kids play together! It's surreal to think about how we all have kids now and they are old enough to be friends!

We got together in the morning on Friday to have a little photo shoot. My grandma had 12 kids and only two of them and their offspring got together. Here she is with her great grandchildren from just two of her daughters!
So fun. And a generation pic:
The kiddos:
That night we went to a festival at a church down the street. Noah was scared to ride the rides but Mary held his hand:)
Only for a bit though. Sorry Noah...

The swings:

Monday, August 20, 2012

birthday party

Well it's been more than a week since we had a birthday party for Mary and Noah, but that was also our family reunion weekend. It's taken us a week to recover:) It was such a fun party and day over all! Lots of friends and family came out to celebrate and I think everyone involved enjoyed themselves:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Piggy Back Ride

When I was getting the Brown Bear video I found this one from a while back and thought it was pretty funny. This is how Noah used to ride piggy back:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brown Bear

Noah has been loving Brown Bear lately. He will sit and read it to himself to the best of his ability and it is so funny! Unfortunately he is camera shy, so this is the best I could get:
Usually he will say all the words, but only when he thinks we're not listening:)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

6 years of awesome

Today is mine and Ian's 6 year anniversary! We celebrated yesterday by dropping the kids off with Grandma and Grandpa and heading up to Oxford for the afternoon/evening. When we got there we walked around for a good 2 hours just talking and reminiscing. We walked through Miami's campus and through some of the buildings that were open including Bachelor hall (the Math/Stat building). That was fun for me because I especially have fond memories there where I had most of my classes and spent time studying with friends. Here we are at the student center resting for a bit about midway through our walk:
As a comical side note I forgot to bring the car adapter for my pump (you know the kind that pumps milk for babies...) but I had the plug in adapter, so we drove to one of our friend's houses who happens to be a college guy and asked if I could pump at his house. Probably the strangest place I have ever or will ever pump is a college guy's bedroom. Anyway, after chatting with him we went to dinner at our favorite restaurant uptown, Fiesta Charra! I still have Fiesta Charra's number in my cell phone if that tells you anything about my longstanding dedication to mexican food.

I got a new Miami tshirt while we were there and also a little tshirt that all the kids will eventually wear. I thought of getting the alumni tshirt, but that seems a little oldish? We finished off the evening with a couple hours at Kofenya where I had some amazing peach iced tea, and spent some time reading. I feel like that sounds a little lame, but we both thoroughly enjoyed that time of quiet solitude. It doesn't happen much with three kids! But now I miss them so I will be headed to grandma's soon to see them! As I was retrieving the above picture from my cell phone I came across this little gem:
That is Noah hiding in case you are wondering:) I just want to reach through that picture and squeeze him! But in conclusion on this anniversary post, we had a wonderful time. Oxford is still as beautiful as ever and we really capitalized on the child free time to talk and laugh and realize that we love each other more now than we ever have!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Testing testing;)

Not sure if this is going to work but we took a cute video of Thomas this morning on my ipad that I wanted to share!