Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fun in the kitchen

We had a little moment the other day. While in the kitchen playing. Mary has been big on things being "hers" and this stool is one of them. I noticed that Noah was trying to sit next to her on the stool and the other day she had pushed him off (grrr) so I told her to be kind to him. Well I went back to what I was doing then I heard them giggling. Here's why:

He kept trying to sit on her lap that day, but as you can see her lap is not proportionate to his body so it didn't work out too well. When they got up I opened the cabinet behind them and Mary saw the spray bottle that I let her use to spray spots on the floor. Yes I mean let. She LOVES to help clean the floor because she gets to spray the vinegar...note to moms, spray bottles are fun! Anyway, She yelled, "I get to spray mommy!" I told her no that we weren't cleaning the floors I just had to get the dishwasher detergent out. But Noah didn't hear that part. He had already sprinted over to the drawer to grab his wash cloths (that's his job) and he went right to work:
Ha! We've only cleaned the floors a couple times together so I didn't realize that they already had this down. I guess they just loved it that much. There are worse things they could want to do I guess:) But technically he's not allowed to get in that drawer by himself...I couldn't bring myself to correct him though.

1 comment:

Julie said...

well technically that is Mary's stool because I gave it to her - yes???