Friday, March 16, 2012

20 months

Noah is 20 months old now! He is more fun than ever. Loves to follow his sister around (well anyone really). I mentioned to Ian that Noah doesn't like to be alone and Ian said he had never noticed because Noah is so content to just play by himself. So I told him to get up and walk out of the room. Sure enough...Noah came following right behind us. He just loves to have people around even if you aren't directly interacting with him! And he's talking up a storm. I'm blown away by how communicative he is. If you don't have kids you probably don't care and have no idea how big a deal it is that he speaks in full sentences...but it's pretty crazy. I'm a big fan of it though. It's already rare that I can't understand what he wants, which means he doesn't whine a whole lot, which is awesome. 
This is his "earth to Noah" face, which is the face he usually adopts when I pull out the camera. For a while he was saying cheese and totally hamming it up for the camera, but he's over it I think.
He said cheese in this one though:)
And finally, after chasing him around the yard for 20 minutes I get a genuine smile!
He loves to cuddle and totally has us wrapped around his finger. When we get him ready for bed and turn out the lights he will say, "Chair mommy!" So we will sit and cuddle and rock him for a bit. He also has a few favorite songs that he will call out and we obediently respond by singing those songs to him. I wonder how this little ritual of ours will change when baby comes and Noah is sharing a room with Mary. I hope we can still preserve it at least a bit. Mary is not a it's really nice when Noah snuggles into us and just sits for a while. But HE decides when he's done! He will sit up and say, "Night night mommy!" and point to his crib. Usually before I'm ready, but trying to get him to cuddle again is futile.

One last note that will show you how weird we are. Noah LOVES naked time. Mary does too, but Noah gets all revved up for it. As we're getting them changed into PJ's we ask them if they want to be naked butts and they both get so excited. As we get down to just Noah's diaper he gets his feet going like the running man and chants, "diaper off mommy!!!" The moment that diaper comes off he is gone. He runs around the house like a mad man and it is hilarious. But when it's time to get PJ's on he's usually not too happy. He's too cute naked!

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