Monday, January 30, 2012

18 months-ish

Noah is 18 months old now! Well, he's actually almost 19 months, but I'm late as usual. We have absolutely loved the past few months with him. He has so much personality and is very independent. So he can make us laugh and bring joy, but also go play by himself and be happy. I continue to be amazed at his verbal ability. He'll say sentences and repeat almost everything we say. It's just crazy to me. He's also getting closer to running instead of just the fast walk...if you have a toddler you know what I mean. His current favorite books are the Biscuit books. He LOVES biscuit (who is a dog). And one of my favorite parts of the day is sometimes when we are putting him to bed we'll get him all ready: noise maker and sleep blanket on, he turns the lights off, and then he will say, "chair mommy!" And I go sit in the rocking chair with him and cuddle until he gets bored. I'm not sure how it started, but I love it. Some nights I'll say, "chair?" and he says, "no, night night mommy." I don't get it. Any other kid would probably jump at the chance to delay bedtime, but not my Noah.

All of these pictures are from the bath tub because his 18 month page in my scrapbook has bath time stuff on it:) Plus I think he is super cute naked.

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