Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Around the house

I used to take pictures all the time just while we were hanging around the house. If one of the kids did something cute I would grab the camera and beg them to do it again. Maybe I just got bored of waiting...I don't know. But I decided I want to start capturing some "boring" moments around the house again. Lately they really like to sit in this chair together:
One day last week Noah woke up really early from his nap and I wasn't quite ready to give up my free time of watching Parks and Rec and crocheting. So I grabbed him a snack and had him sit on my bed with me. He was super happy about that so I had to grab the camera and capture the cuteness:
Enjoying the chair, and each other:
Thanks to a present from our kids team at church we spent one morning building a gingerbread train! Mary had lots of fun eating the candy, and I had fun building.

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