Monday, December 12, 2011

17 months

Noah is 17 months old! It's kind of hard to believe. We have just started really working with him on a couple things like coming to us when we call him, looking at us when we say his name, and staying where we put him. He's doing pretty well with these things, but he also likes to laugh and run away:) He is putting words together now and talking so well. Today he said his longest sentence yet of, "Vacuum on mommy!" Yes, he still loves vacuums and brooms. The way he says vacuum is super cute too. It sounds like daaacuum. He is still a champion eater and sleeper. He's had some ear troubles in the past couple months but I think right now he's ok. It's hard to tell with a toddler. We've been trying some home remedies which I think are going well!

Hello ladies...

He has a love-love relationship with Mary. As in he loves her and she loves him. He LOVES chasing her around. Sometimes she will go get blankets for each of them and then they will run around the house dragging their blankets. He wakes up asking for her (well, after he says mommy eat!). He never wants to go into alone time because he just wants to play with her. He will say Mary randomly in alone time. She loves to give him kisses and look after him. He kept dropping his toys today after breakfast and in her usual fashion she was picking them up for him. Finally I told her not to pick them up any more and that if he dropped them he would just have to sit without a toy. This was very distressing for her because he of course dropped his toys right away. She asked me to please pick them up for him, but I reminded her that he is not supposed to drop his toys and if we keep picking them up for him he will keep dropping them. She didn't really care for that answer, but I think she understood.
Another cute story happened today. He was super whiny after his morning nap so I put him back in his crib and told him I'd be back when he was happy. Mary came upstairs and asked where Noah was and I said he was getting happy. She said he sounded happy and asked if she could go get him. I told her she could not go into his room, as she was already headed back there, because I wanted him to stay happy before I got him. I went back to fixing lunch, but I could hear her in the back so I figured she went in even though I told her not to. When I walked back I saw that she was standing right outside the door whispering through the crack, "Noah come on, get happy so you can come play with me." SO CUTE! I told her to go on in because I was about to cry over the cuteness.
Here is a pretty typical scene. Noah being pushed in the swing and Mary stopping him for a kiss on the head:

And finally, Mary really wanted me to take a picture of her today while I was trying to get some of Noah. So here's the best we got:

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