Monday, November 1, 2010

The 5 O'Clock Club

I did it. I joined the 5 O'Clock club through the girl talk blog. I was just browsing their site and found the club. I generally get up around 6, but often find that I need more time in the morning before the kiddos wake up, so this was a great challenge for me. You may be wondering exactly what the club is? You can read more about it here. I committed to getting up at 5:30...

The other day I read this verse: "The LORD your God will change your heart and the hearts of your descendants forever, so that you will love him with all your heart and soul and so you may live." ~ Deuteronomy 30:6

I want to live! I want to love God with all my heart and soul. Now combine that with something a good friend shared with me the other day: scripture says if we seek God we will find him, so I'm going to keep seeking God and trust in His promise that I will find him. Put 'em together and what have you got? If I want to live, that means I need God to change my heart so that I can love him. I want to seek Him until he changes my heart and continue to seek him until I see him in person. For me, getting up early has always been a way to ensure that I will seek him...

So will you join me? Anyone out there reading this...want to get up early and seek God? I used to think that 7 AM was my time. That anything earlier than that was just plain torture. Once I had Mary that time moved to 6 because I made myself do it. Now 6 doesn't seem that early. I want more though, and I think this is a step to getting there.


michelle said...

oh no. that's hard. but I just read about it on Girl Talk and I know I need to do it. It's always so much better when I get up early. I think I'll go with 5:30 with you. Sleepless nights (like sleeping sitting up in a chair with a baby who coughs every 10 minutes) not included.

Julie said...

I get up around 3, 4:30, 5:30, then finally at 6:12, so I guess I'm up early as it is. I just go back to sleep.