Thursday, July 1, 2010

Birth resources

I've been wanting to see The Business of Being Born for some time now and I finally went and got it from Blockbuster the other day. It was a great documentary! It was mostly basic things that I already knew, but I think that's only because I've read like 5 books on birth. If you are looking for some very interesting information on birth in America I would suggest this movie! It has been concerning to people for a long time that America has one of the highest infant and maternal mortality rates among the developed world and I think this movie does a good job of pointing out some possible reasons for that and calling on women to make a change.
The one thing I didn't like about it was that they blamed Obstetricians and hospitals for all the problems. I don't really think this is fair at all. I think a lot of women WANT to schedule their births, don't mind c-sections or pitocin, and desperately want pain relief. By the way, I'm not judging that in ANY way, nor do I think it's wrong or anything. But with those things you have to take the bad with the good. The bad part is that we are seeing drugs that have never been tested on infants (cytotec, pitocin, etc.) cause huge problems. And I don't think we can blame that all on Doctors. It just bugs me when people try to put all the blame in one area. Although I do understand that doctors are looked at as experts and most people blindly trust them. The blindly trusting them is the part that doesn't work out too well. So if a doctor says it's safe then most women will trust that. I get that. It's a position of authority. However, a believe a doctors job is to inform based on their expertise, and it is our job to make the decisions for ourselves.
Done with my rant! I recommend this movie to anyone who has given birth or ever intends to:) I also recommend Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. It's all you need as far as information goes. I've been reading through it a lot since I've only got about a week left until baby arrives!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm not a big believer in scheduling births to appease the mom or docs schedules either. Seems a bit unnatural.