Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So yesterday I was in a bad mood and telling Ian I just wanted the baby to be out. To which he lovingly replied, "Maybe you should stop focusing so much on yourself." To which I replied, "I'm going to go call Amber, she'll be nicer." And we laughed. Although I didn't embrace his words immediately, he's right. When I find myself digging deeper into a pit of despair, frustration, anger, etc. it's often because I'm focused on myself. So I prayed through my prayer list for other people and read a little bit. That was good. I also listened to a sermon in which the preacher reminded me that being prideful and turning ourselves into idols (i.e. focusing too much on ourselves and prioritizing our needs over God) leads us to become ungrateful and those things feed off of each other. So I decided to make a list of 10 reasons I'm thankful to still be pregnant:
1. I have an excuse for MOST things I do or say. ("I'm pregnant" "It's just the hormones" etc.)
2. Life is really slow and uncomplicated.
3. I don't have a newborn attached to me 90% of the day.
4. I'm getting lots of sleep.
5. I get to feel the baby moving around inside me. Although you grow sort of immune to the kicking and punching, I remember after I had Mary missing that feeling.
6. I can get out of the house most anytime I want.
7. I only have to be concerned with one child (unless you count Ian).
8. I don't need 5 showers a day, nor do I need to change clothes every couple hours. When you have a ALWAYS feel dirty and gross.
9. The look on people's faces is really funny when they ask when I'm due and I say Saturday.
10. Ian really likes the way I look pregnant. I mean he likes the way I look always, but he told me yesterday that I should just always be pregnant...WHAT? I'm glad God gave Ian eyes to see me the way He sees me.
11. Just thought of another one! People are always offering to do things for me. Some pregnant women get offended by this, but not me. I take all the help I can get!


michelle said...

Good perspective. And I like your list - it is so good to remember to enjoy the moment. Especially before a baby comes and everything changes!

La Resa's Blog said...

I hope the baby is born saturday - that's a good day! ;) (it's my birthday).