Monday, March 1, 2010

Naming Baby #2

Well we have our boy name picked: Noah Henry. After 30 minutes of combining our lists and narrowing down we decided on that. But we're still not sure about girl names. We have it narrowed down to 4 but I really don't like one of it's really 3:) I made a list at so go vote and tell me which ones you like and don't like. I already have a favorite and I think Ian will probably be good with it too, but it will still be fun to see what you think:
VOTE on my Name List

It's just so hard to pick girl names because there are a million good ones! Boy are hard to name because there just aren't that many great boy names. And by that I mean that when I say "Mary" it's just beautiful. I think it's so pretty sounding. But boy names aren't pretty. I guess they're not supposed to be...I really liked Colin and Noah. But Ian nixed Colin so...Noah it is!


Julie said...

I think Grace Lubbers is cute, but doesn't flow (kinda hard to say the 2 together)

Jennifer/Cara/Samantha said...

I like the names Ansley and Kensley for a girl. They mean nothing cool though!