Monday, March 22, 2010


I'm really excited about this new book that Amber and I are going to read together. For a while now I've noticed a trend. Most of us (including myself most of the time) think that just because something has always been a certain way, or just because we've thought something our whole lives, that it is true. We don't stop and analyze our beliefs. But we really should. Jesus told us what is true: Him! That's it. So I've made up my mind to conform what I think is true to him, rather than trying to conform him to what I want the truth to be. This is hard though. How do I know that a belief I have is wrong if I've always thought that? Lots of ways! For me it's mostly been talking to and listening to Godly people, but it also comes through reading God's word and speaking to him personally. It also requires humility, and that does not come naturally to me. I need to be humble in order to accept that something I believe may be wrong.

This applies to the book in a few ways. The book is called Becoming God's True Woman and it is by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. The first book I read of hers was Lies Women Believe and I remember being offended by some of the things she said. But when it came down to it, I couldn't refute those things. They were biblical! So I'm looking forward to being offended again! I want to believe what is true and act on it and I want to teach Mary to do the same.

I just finished the introduction and already my heart is beating fast. I think I can relate to this woman; it seems we both like to make unpopular decisions. She says:
"You need to understand that I am not a fighter by nature. The older I get, the more I crave a simple, uncomplicated, anonymous lifestyle. I had a natural reluctance to jump into what I knew would be a lifetime of going against the flow (even in the church). But greater than my fears and reservations is a passion for the glory of God."
It's good for me to see this. It's good for me to know that as a person who follows Jesus I should look strange to this world and possibly even to the modern church. But it's never easy when you share a decision you've made with another Christian and they look at you like you've lost your mind. I've had many moments like that in my 10 years of walking with Christ. Ian tells me I need to get used to it...he's probably right:)

1 comment:

Steph said...

I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts as you read. I've been thinking about reading this one too.