Tuesday, July 28, 2009

11 months

Mary is 11 months old now. I will probably say this a million times this month but I just can't believe that I've had a kid for almost a year. She's so old! I know time will fly with her. She's awesome at crawling now. Sometimes she goes into 'hyper-mode' as we like to call it. We'll run around her then out of the room and she'll start crawling really fast to catch us, it's SO funny. And in the mornings I put her by her toys in the living room to play while I get her bottle, then once I walk in the room with it she like chases me over to the couch to eat. It's so cute.
She also likes to walk when you're holding her hand, but I think it's still going to be a while before she gets there on her own. She's pretty wobbly, and she's so good at crawling, what's the use in walking??
Our family has been doing pretty well lately. Except for Sunday night. I got this stomach bug and was up from 7:30 to 1:30 in the morning puking my guts out. At one point I literally thought my stomach was going to come flying out of my mouth. Then yesterday was not the greatest either, but I was just feeling weak...not throwing up. I think Ian and Mary are in the clear because neither have shown signs that they caught it, but we'll see. The good thing about it being summer is that Ian hung out with Mary all day yesterday! I got to lay around and sleep:)

Mary's face in the family picture is so funny. haha

1 comment:

Julie said...

my new computer screen pic (the one of mary)!!!!!