Monday, July 6, 2009

New York

Last week (older) Mary and I decided we wanted to go visit Amber after talking with her on the phone. For those of you who don't know, Amber and Mary are two of my closest friends. Amber is in New York for the summer working at Camp of the Woods. Anyway, I made some arrangements and Friday morning Mary and I set out to find Amber! We got there about 11 hours later and searched for Amber for a while. We couldn't find her and our attempts at texting her pictures were failing. We thought that if we took pictures around the camp and sent them to her she would come find us. Well it turns out she was working when we got there, but as soon as her shift ended she looked at the texts we had sent of images from around the camp. She said that the staff was getting ready to pray together at the end of the shift but she said, "I gotta go!!!" and just bolted. She came running into the lobby of her building (where we had plopped down and started reading our books because we got tired of looking!). It was so awesome...couldn't have planned a better surprise!
I love that picture of me and Amber (taken on my cell phone because I ALWAYS forget my camera) because we look so happy. And that's what I was all weekend! It was SO good to see Amber, and the rides there and back were good too because Mary and I got to talk the whole time. Amber I will miss you every day until I see you again!!!! I'm sure the same goes for Mary too :)

1 comment:

Mary Rector said...

YES! The same DOES go for me!! I will miss amber ever day until she gets back, and I will miss conversations in the car every day that I'm not on a road trip with Megan ; )