All this to say that I was thinking about diapers. Before I had Mary I considered the cloth diapering thing...but MAN is that a lot of work. Turns out, we got like a million disposable diapers from Ian's co-workers from the diaper shower they threw for us! So I'm torn (but not really), disposables are apparently pretty bad for the environment seeing as how it takes forever for them to decompose, but I have a ton of free diapers. Now, I'm all about being friendly to mother earth, but not so much that I didn't use the free disposables.
We're still using diapers we got from that shower, and still have like 15 packages left! But I'm thinking when those run out I might use these. That's pending an investigation at a nearby Kroger that supposedly sells the refills. I'm not too keen on touching her poop, but I'll take that small hit if I can make up for the hundreds of diapers I've already put in a landfill;) Plus the covers are SO cute. That's the main reason I like them I think! And you can use your own cloth diapers (which I already have) instead of buying refills. More laundry...eh. It's not easy being green.
those diapers are really cute! You'll have to let me know how they actually work
Those 'green' diapers look amazing. However, if you do throw them away they will not decompose regardless of their lack of plastic. Because landfills are so jam packed, there is no oxygen for decomposition to occur. Newspapers that are decades to 100's of years old can be found in landfill cores and still readable.
If you just attempt to cut wastes in other areas, I think it will even out ;)
I'm very thrilled by your love for mother earth!
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