Monday, November 17, 2008

Picture update!

We found a place that Mary loves to sleep now!
Ian thought it would be a good idea to put Mary in the Laundry basket. "She'll like it," he said. Here's what she thought:
She's always happiest in the morning! Here are some smiley pics from this morning:

1 comment:

Megan said...

i'll tell you why she didnt like the laundry basket. first, she is so flipping big she cant stretch out her legs. why is she so big? its because your booby juice has steroids in it. her vein in her forehead is going to start sticking out soon.

two, the basket is blue. you have her surrounded by so much pink (see the pictures above the basket pic) that she flipped out by something not pink. if we're not careful, she is going to turn into a cheerleader. that will be the day she sees her dad cry.