Friday, November 28, 2008

three months and talking

Mary is three months old now and is getting cuter every day! About a week ago she started blowing raspberries and it was the cutest thing! We do it in her face and she repeats us. She also does this with smiling and it's so fun! The best is when it's late at night (we try not to play with her then so that she knows it's not time to play!) but she just keeps blowing raspberries and making her talking noises. It's hard not to play with her at those times, but when we do she gets all riled up!

Also, she makes noises in response to our noises. Like if you say, "ooooo," when she's looking at you she'll make the noise back. It is my favorite thing that she does right now!!! We love us some Mary!

The video below is of her "talking" to me. Sometimes we'll hear her in her room just making noises to herself. She's not doing it as good as normal in the video, but every time I turned the camera on she just stared at the little red light on it, so it was hard to get her to do anything else! Enjoy:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bath Time

Here are some pictures of bath time with Mary. She's such a trooper! She just sits in there and let's us do the washing without complaints.
Funny Face:
Naked Mary!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Picture update!

We found a place that Mary loves to sleep now!
Ian thought it would be a good idea to put Mary in the Laundry basket. "She'll like it," he said. Here's what she thought:
She's always happiest in the morning! Here are some smiley pics from this morning:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Outbreak in the Lubbers home!

Ian's sick...and overprotective. The pictures speak for themselves!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Baby girl is almost rolling over!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Big girls sleep through the night!

Last night...for the first time ever...Mary slept through the night. And by through the night I mean I fed her at 10:30, then she slept til 6:30! AWOOHOO!! There is much rejoicing in the Lubbers house this morning. Although I know this doesn't mean she will do it every night from this point on, I'm pretty excited! This weekend is fall weekend for young life which means Mary gets to stay with aunt Amber all day tomorrow and Ian and I get to go have fun!!! Will post with pictures on Monday probably!

On a political note (because who doesn't have something to say about the election?!?): for the first time in my life the guy I picked won! Granted, I've only been interested in two elections before this one, but this time it's OBAMACITY and I'm the mayor ;) My sophomore year in high school (when W ran for the first time) I was one of 4 liberals in a World Issues class with 30 kids in it. Not to mention there was only one other sophomore, a fellow liberal. The rest were juniors and seniors. I felt so bullied because of what I believed. I think mostly because I was younger, it might have been in my head. And then last time, I was on Miami's campus which is full of upper-middle class kids who's parents have them convinced that if you're not a republican you should be shunned (please no hate responses, I realize I'm totally stereotyping, but this is how it felt for me). So it feels good that this time there are others that agree with me! It's always good to feel like you're not alone! Go get 'em Obama. My prayers are with you and our country!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Backpacking and Running

Last weekend Ian took some of the high schoolers backpacking at Red River Gorge. Mary and I hung out with Grandma Julie on Saturday and went to the Colerain craft show. It was a good craft show despite its location. Tonight we have just been sitting around waiting for Obama to become the next president ;) Ian likes to make Mary "run" so there's a video of that below!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here are some pictures from Halloween! She's moving around so much now; maybe I'll put a video up soon!


