Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week one as a family of three...

The other day Ian asked me which I would rather do again right now if I had to: run a marathon, or give birth. Of course I said run a marathon. Then he said would you rather go through the first week again or train for and run a marathon. This question was hard to answer, but I'm pretty sure I'd pick the marathon. Having a newborn is hard work!

I think this is something that we knew, but obviously hadn't experienced, so couldn't really fathom what it would be like. The hardest part is worrying that everything that happens means that something is wrong with her. We ask ourselves questions like, "Is she getting enough food? Is she sleeping enough? Is she sick?" Eventually we looked at each other and realized we needed to give things up to Christ. We're not in control anyway so why sit around worrying about things??? Easier said than done, but we have such a blessing in our lives now and we want to enjoy her!

I just keep thanking God for everything he's done this week. And now I can be thankful that we made it through the first week! Ian had to go back to school today so Mary and I will see what it's like to do life without him around all day. So far it's ok...we miss him though. She had a Dr.'s appointment this morning and has already gained 3 ounces! I thought that was pretty good for my little girl. The doctor says that everything looks great!

So far her favorite things to do are poop and eat. She's just like her daddy!Overall things are great here, just lacking sleep right now ;)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Poop and eat are Ian's favorite things to do!