Sunday, August 10, 2008

Shower Time!

(37 weeks down, 3 to go!) We had the last of our showers yesterday and I must say it was a great one! I want to say thanks to Lindsey, Jenny, Val, Kath, Tina, Connie, Erin, Sheila, and Dee for planning the showers and doing so much work to make them happen. I know it takes a lot of time and effort! I'm just thankful, and very lucky, to have you guys in my life! They were great showers and it was so good to see a bunch of people who care about us in the weeks before baby comes along! Thanks to everyone who came and made them special experiences for me!

Also, we had our second childbirth class yesterday. We saw a video of a birth and it made us both feel WAY better about birth! Ian looked away in disgust as the baby was crowning, so maybe it's still hard to handle that part...but it was just so different then any of those birthing shows you see. On the shows there's always people like huddled around the mom and they're all loud and counting and practically yelling at her to push. She's just confined to this bed and all drugged up. That's what made me kind of nervous about labor is that there were going to be all these people yelling at me and counting and stressing me out. We got to see how calm labor can be and even practice some different things to do during labor. I'm getting excited to actually do this in the next few weeks!

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