Sunday, August 24, 2008

39 weeks (one to go)

I asked Ian how long pregnancy was a few weeks ago and he said "39 weeks right?" So according to him I should be done! Woohoo!! In reality I have one week left until my due date. Things are still going well for me and baby. I've been feeling all the things I've been told by my doctor that I should feel at this point, like contractions and back pain and aches mostly in my legs. Fun stuff! We have our last two baby classes tonight and tomorrow! We're excited to get to meet baby soon!!!

Here are a few pictures Ian and I took in the baby's room. Sometimes we just go in there and stand around. It's fun to imagine what baby will be like!

Here's me in our new and very comfy chair (thanks mom!)

Here's Ian by our new little shelf I hung up. He refused to open his eyes cause he said he looked bad

And here's Ian showing his knowledge of diapers and what to do with them

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