Friday, April 4, 2008

IKEA and my belly button

Ian said I should write about my belly button so you know it's going to be a boring post. OK, all my life my belly button's been sort of "different". I have an inny, which is normal, but my inny is the deepest inny you've ever seen. It's like how Rudolf had the red nose so the other reindeer wouldn't let him play...that's how I've always felt about my belly button. My aunt used to tell me that we could build a pool in my belly button (thanks Kath). I've had to use a q-tip to clean it. It's like the grand canyon, which is in Arizona. Anyway, the other day I was looking at her and my belly button is popping up a little! Now it's only like 3/4 of an inch deep! Thank you baby Lubbers! I'm looking forward to more progress here. Now all my belly button woes can be forgotten.

Also, yesterday I discovered the most amazing thing this world has to offer, besides Chipotle, IKEA! I will now describe why IKEA, not Disney, is the happiest place on earth: you walk in and you are greeted with a smile and a little map that gives perfect directions around the store! I love efficiency! Then you walk upstairs and buy breakfast for a DOLLAR!!! A dollar!!! You can also get a good sized cinnamon roll there for a dollar. If that's not enough, there's something wrong with you, but there's more. They have everything you need for your house and it's cheap! I bought four curtain panels for $30!!! And they're cute! All this, and it's only 15 minutes from my house! That is unreal. My mind is still racing. I think there's such thing as an IKEA high.

I have a doctors appt. today, so there'll be a much more baby related post sometime in the near future. Also, how would YOU spell inny? As in the belly button type.


Jennifer/Cara/Samantha said...

megan, i myself have a very deep inney (that's how i think to spell it) and while pregnant mine popped out too. i wore a belly button ring to hide the embarrassment of mine though..which in hinesight wasn't a good idea. but i took the ring out at 4 months pregnant and well frankly, it's still not pretty. surprisingly enough though, my daughter has an outty! very, very weird. i think about belly buttons too..that was really the theme of this comment.

Julie said...

Megan - I believe you inherited your belly button from your mama!!!! And I think both you and Jen are a bit strange in your obsessions!!

Darren said...

Welcome to the IKEA club. Em and I love IKEA so much that we have been to the one in Chicago 5 times, Pittsburgh once, Seattle once and now the one in Cincy twice. You just can't beat a one dollar breakfast and a two dollar lunch (Two hot dogs and a cinnamon roll).