Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Alien Invasion!!!!!!!

So there's an alien in my uterus. That's what it looks like anyway. There is a picture below...see if you can tell what's going on there. Apparently it's the face. I can kind of tell, but it's a little difficult. Everything is good though! The baby is 11.9 inches and weighs 1lb 3oz and has two legs and two arms. All the major organs are there too, but how she saw that I'll never know. During the ultrasound she was looking at the bladder and was like, "oh, just emptied the bladder, look there's still a little left." That was kinda funny. I think baby looks more like Ian.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Georgia Visit

(21 Weeks today!!) This weekend baby and I visited some relatives and good friends in Atlanta! We had a great time. Did some shopping, had a grill out, ate lots of food, and of course had great company! Here are some pictures from our trip:

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Half way baby!

Today marks the 20 weeks point of the pregnancy. We're pretty excited about that fact, I don't know why cause it means we have 20 weeks to go too. Yesterday Ian felt the baby kick for the first time after a bunch of different times of keeping his hand on my belly for like 20 minutes. It's pretty cool. Here is a picture of my belly. It's slowly but surely getting bigger.

From 15 weeks:

And from 20 weeks (today):

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Laughing Baby...

So my baby doesn't laugh yet, but have you seen this laughing baby on youtube? It's hysterical, and it's gotten like 44 million views:

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Brooklynn!

The doctor's appointment went well on Friday. They're pretty boring at this point...they just check my pee, blood pressure, and baby heart beat. I did ask if it's possible to squish the baby if I'm bending over. Good news: it's not!

Today was Brooklynn's (my niece) first birthday! Here are a few of the million pictures I took at the party:

Friday, April 4, 2008

IKEA and my belly button

Ian said I should write about my belly button so you know it's going to be a boring post. OK, all my life my belly button's been sort of "different". I have an inny, which is normal, but my inny is the deepest inny you've ever seen. It's like how Rudolf had the red nose so the other reindeer wouldn't let him play...that's how I've always felt about my belly button. My aunt used to tell me that we could build a pool in my belly button (thanks Kath). I've had to use a q-tip to clean it. It's like the grand canyon, which is in Arizona. Anyway, the other day I was looking at her and my belly button is popping up a little! Now it's only like 3/4 of an inch deep! Thank you baby Lubbers! I'm looking forward to more progress here. Now all my belly button woes can be forgotten.

Also, yesterday I discovered the most amazing thing this world has to offer, besides Chipotle, IKEA! I will now describe why IKEA, not Disney, is the happiest place on earth: you walk in and you are greeted with a smile and a little map that gives perfect directions around the store! I love efficiency! Then you walk upstairs and buy breakfast for a DOLLAR!!! A dollar!!! You can also get a good sized cinnamon roll there for a dollar. If that's not enough, there's something wrong with you, but there's more. They have everything you need for your house and it's cheap! I bought four curtain panels for $30!!! And they're cute! All this, and it's only 15 minutes from my house! That is unreal. My mind is still racing. I think there's such thing as an IKEA high.

I have a doctors appt. today, so there'll be a much more baby related post sometime in the near future. Also, how would YOU spell inny? As in the belly button type.