Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mary turns 7!

We usually tell the kids they get to pick what we eat and do on their birthdays. This year Mary picked to have cinnamon rolls for breakfast, a friend over in the afternoon, Mac n cheese with olives and carrots for dinner, and to go play at jump and jacks after dinner. The "you get to pick" rule has generally been fine aside from some questionable meal choices. However on this particular day Mary was being a little rambunctious (can't imagine why?!? It's not like her responsible mother would let her eat 5 cinnamon rolls  for breakfast...) so I asked her to settle down some to which she replied, "I don't have to listen mom, it's my birthday! I can't get in trouble!" Mmmmmk.
Her awesome mom also didn't think about candles at all until I went to grab some to light and realized we didn't have any regular candles and no number 7.
She is always calling herself daddy's girl and makes lots of "I love daddy" cards.

Mr. Matt finally went down the slide and took Andrew with him. Andrew did NOT appreciate it!
We love these awesome kids! And we are especially thankful for that sweet girl in the middle there. She loves her baby brother Andrew and is always so helpful with him. She likes to read and color and be a leader (my mom says that's what my teachers always said about me instead of calling me bossy, so I'll carry on the tradition). Happy birthday to my princess!

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