Thursday, June 18, 2015

Summer Bucket List 2015: Outdoor Adventure Expo

I made a bucket list of things I want to do before this summer is over because I'm always saying I want to do certain things but they never happen unless I just put them on the calendar! A few of the things on our list are: Reds game, Zoo, Washington Park, outdoor pool at the Y, hot date night, and the Kid's Expo.
This morning we got all the kids ready, packed them into the car, explained to them that this was supposed to be a fun day and we are going to stop complaining about who pushed/touched/said something mean to whoever, and drove over to Coney Island for the Outdoor Adventure Expo for kids. As we were walking in (after parking, nursing Andrew, putting sunscreen on the other 4 and loading a couple kids up in the double stroller) I thought to myself, 'I'm really not sure this was worth it...' But I'm really glad we went because, if nothing else, we got out of the house! 
 The kids all agreed that their favorite part was going in the raft.

 Yes that's a dead fish she is holding. We did some serious hand washing after this trip.

Fun times. Lesson for next year: show up when they open so you get a jump on the thousands of daycare kids.

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