Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Because we don't have enough testosterone in this house...

Yes, I'm proudly displaying my kids' parts already:) This is the first pregnancy where we have found out the gender and I have to say I like it! I enjoyed not knowing in the past, but it is also fun to know. Like a secret somehow! I also have a quotable for this post:

Ian: how do you know it's a boy?
Ultrasound tech: because of the penis
Me (to Ian): are you serious?
Ian: I mean how can you see that?
(Ultrasound tech pans back to the between the legs shot)
Ian: oh, DANG! He's huge!

Our little man looks incredibly healthy and we are SO thankful that God has provided in this way. I've been feeling him move around like crazy for a couple weeks now and I've never been more grateful for these little nudges. It's easy to grow tired of them near the end of pregnancy, but this time around I haven't had much time to sit around and think about this person growing inside me. We've been so wrapped up in the world of fostering and school and church and family things that it's nice to sit down during my hour of time to myself each day and wait for those little kicks to start and thank God for creating.

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