Monday, December 9, 2013

Family pics

You know how some times you show up to harbin park and they already have the gate half closed so that you aren't supposed to come in while they corral the other cars out? We've done that a couple times. And I'm sure we aren't the first ones to drive right around that gate. We wanted to squeeze in a mini family photo session one day so we showed up at 5 and the gate was already half closed! Not cool. So in about 10 min a friend of mine took some pictures for us...

 And the kids cooperated quite nicely...
 Despite the fact that it was COLD!
 Throw leaves on mommy and daddy!
 Thomas: can't throw leaves, that would require taking my hand off mommy for more than .5 seconds...haven't done that since I was born and they took me to weigh in!

 ROAR! That is the boys thing lately. Growling at you. I'm so glad to get some family pictures each year. I love documenting life right now!

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