Monday, July 23, 2012

2 months

Look at that face! Yesterday our little little warrior turned two months. Mary calls Noah the little warrior (pronounced boyer), so that makes Thomas the little little warrior. Around six weeks he started only waking up once at night which is SO nice. It makes getting up that much easier when it's just one time! He is a pretty relaxed little guy when he's awake...which isn't often. But luckily he sleeps very well in his sling so we still get out pretty frequently.
 He's started smiling a lot. I love the baby age because they are so easy to get to smile. Then they learn to walk and don't want to give me the time of day!

I will be very interested to see how much weight he's gained when we go to his appointment this week. He seems like he's grown a TON to me. He takes up so much more room on my lap now. He's such a joy to us and makes all of us laugh. Especially with how gassy he is:) If you are around him and start to smell something funky...i promise it's him (90% of the time!).

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

ah!! Look at those arms! He is so beautiful M. And you capture him so well. Glad to hear he is a good sleeper.