Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1 month

Guess who is 1 month old?!? There isn't much to say about a one month old I guess. He is a good eater and sleeper. He is mostly a happy baby but he has his moments of fussy...overall he's been great! It's only when he is trying to work a poopy out that he doesn't eat or sleep well. I'm not complaining since that happens maybe once a day.

 He's as cute as they come! He's gained about 3 pounds since he was born and has grown 1.5 inches. Crazy! There is a book somewhere about how if we continued to grow at the rate we do in our first year we would be the size of elephants by the time we're 5 or something. I clearly don't have specifics, but man that's some crazy growth.
 Of course no post would be complete without some sibling love pictures:)

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