Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1 month

Guess who is 1 month old?!? There isn't much to say about a one month old I guess. He is a good eater and sleeper. He is mostly a happy baby but he has his moments of fussy...overall he's been great! It's only when he is trying to work a poopy out that he doesn't eat or sleep well. I'm not complaining since that happens maybe once a day.

 He's as cute as they come! He's gained about 3 pounds since he was born and has grown 1.5 inches. Crazy! There is a book somewhere about how if we continued to grow at the rate we do in our first year we would be the size of elephants by the time we're 5 or something. I clearly don't have specifics, but man that's some crazy growth.
 Of course no post would be complete without some sibling love pictures:)

Friday, June 22, 2012


This is how Noah hides:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Because who DOESN'T need two other people to help them wash a newborn???

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hanging around

We haven't been doing a whole lot lately. Just hanging around the house! But I do have a goal to start eating more healthy this week and to work out 3 times this week. So basically I want to start doing something besides sitting. I asked Mary to sit with Thomas for a minute and when I came back this is what I found:

She thought he needed a toy

Getting some chub! That's what sitting around will do to you:)
Family reading time. My favorite part of the picture is the vacuum cleaner that Noah refused to let go of off to the right.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Let Me Hold You Longer

If you are a parent and you don't own this book you should run out (to amazon) and buy it! The book is from a mother's perspective as she thinks back on her child growing up. She wonders if she would have known different things were happening for the last time would she have spent more time savoring those moments. I was reading it to Mary today and a line stuck out to me:

"I look ahead and dream of days that haven't come to pass. But as I do, I sometimes miss today's sweet, precious lasts..."

I really don't like the newborn stage of my kid's lives. Thomas' has been the most enjoyable for me mostly because I'm not incredibly sleep deprived (although I'm not getting as much as usual for sure) and because I'm not fighting with him to nurse. However, most days I still find myself thinking 'I can't wait until this stage is over!' I mean to my credit they are painstakingly boring at this age. And quite repetitive. But they're also really easy to take care of because they have very few needs and wants. When the older two are gone I seriously feel like my day is too easy. Even when Thomas is awake it's not like he's difficult to deal with. He just eats then sits there for a while!

Anyways, I'm not too sure I will miss these days or the last time I get up to feed an infant at 3 AM, but I do want to make sure I am valuing him during this time. And even if I'm exhausted I want to sit and read a story to Mary or play cars with Noah. I don't want to miss this time in their lives either!

Friday, June 8, 2012

First Bath!

Just wanted to document it:)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Well Loved

Our little Thomas is certainly well loved! When he is awake...he is being bombarded with kisses, hugs, nosies, and requests to hold him and/or feed him!

Monday, June 4, 2012


He's got it: