Monday, November 7, 2011


Everyone has been sick around here. I'm going on 3 weeks but today I feel slightly better than yesterday, so maybe I'm over the hump. Mary and Noah both had pink eye and ear infections, but they are looking much better now on their 4th day of antibiotics.

It's been about a month and a half of sickness, so it's easy for me to complain and whine in my head. Which always slaps me in the face because I'm constantly telling Mary that we need to do everything without whining or complaining. Anyway, instead of complain about it (more than I just did), I'd like to say what's been awesome about being sick...

1. I watched all the Harry Potter movies again in preparation for this Friday when the last one comes out!

2. While doing that I finally finished Mary's blanket (that I started in June). I promise it's not because I'm lazy. This blanket is the most time consuming project I've ever done. And I used the most time consuming stitch to put all the squares together. I'm hoping that it will last a long time and some day when I teach her to crochet she will really appreciate this blanket!

3. The kids both sleep more when they're sick. That is a plus because I've been sick at the same time so it means I get to sleep more too:)

4. I've cleaned the entire house top to bottom. Yesterday and today I've sanitized everything I can. I've been meaning to do that for a while but it just hasn't happened. The pediatrician gave me another good idea for limiting germs in our house: switching out hand towels daily. I don't have enough bathroom towels to do that...maybe once a week. But I have lots of kitchen towels so I've been switching them everyday.

That's my list. There are things to be thankful for in sickness:)


Steph said...

that blanket is impressive! I've only done baby sized granny square afghans and they seem to take forever so I can totally appreciate the time and effort you put into this!! I've tried several methods for joining. Which route did you take? Whip stitch??

Megan said...

I call it the zipper stitch:) Not sure if that's the technical term or not. I like the way it looks...but it takes forever.