Thursday, September 1, 2011


Mary talks a lot now. I mean A LOT. She asks questions almost constantly. And the same ones over and over. I realized that a lot of the time I just tune her out. At least until she's asked the question for the 7th time and has gotten really loud. It will be like, "mommy do you see the truck? MOMMY DO YOU SEE THE TRUCK???" And that's after she's already asked if I've seen every other car and bus on the way.

A couple posts ago I talked about how my kids are equal to me in value and dignity. Well, while we were driving (and I was ignoring a series of questions similar to above) it occurred to me that I really need to practice the "equal" thing and not just think it in my head. Her voice is equally important, so I want to make it a new goal to not ignore her. Or even just communicate that yes, I do see that truck, and for now she doesn't need to ask if I see any more of them. Who knows if it will work.

Sometimes I find myself repeating out loud that she is equal to me. I heard Wayne Grudem talk about how he did this with his wife once while she was sleeping, so I thought I would try it with Mary. It's easy to just think, 'I'm the parent, I can do what I want.' But God didn't make me her parent because I'm super mom or because I'm incredibly intelligent and more able to do the job than anyone else. He just made me her mom because that was what he wanted to do. He wanted to bless me with her. It's about Him not me. So I'm feeling a fresh challenge to treat her as my equal in value and dignity. Just thought I'd share:)

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love her talking alot!!!! reminds me of another little girl who asked lots of questions of her mommy.