Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mary's Tonsils

About 6 months ago Mary started having chronic ear and throat infections and was basically sick the whole winter. She'd been doing pretty well for the past month besides her nose constantly running and the occasional cough. About a month ago we met with her ear, nose, and throat doctor again and he suggested that our other options had run out and we should probably get her tonsils out. So last Friday we took Mary to Childrens and got her gigantic tonsils taken out. I was so very proud of Mary. She hadn't eaten in the longest time, but she didn't complain. She asked for a snack once but after I told her no she let it go. She let the doctors examine her and even practiced putting her mask on that they used for anesthesia:

All the nurses said how good she was doing for a two year old. I was mostly glad she took everything in stride because I'm sure Ian and I would have broken down in tears and called it off if she'd been a mess. Here she is about 45 minutes after surgery:

She was groggy and upset at first, but once she heard a little baby crying across the room she sat up and said, "let's get him a bottle." Then she said, "I want to go see Noah." I think she might have thought the baby was Noah?? They were probably close in age. Once she was sitting up the nurse asked if she wanted a Popsicle and of course Mary was all over that. The doctor told me she probably wouldn't want to eat anything for a few days afterward, but the whole time I was thinking, 'man you're about to see something special...because my kid likes to eat!'

She started to feel pretty tired once we got up to her room. So we ordered her food and let her sleep for a bit. She ate over half the food they brought her and the nurse couldn't believe it. Mary will endure pain to eat. She loves it that much. Later that night we found a place to play:

And painted toe nails:

She did OK during the night. I think once all the anesthesia medicine was out of her system she started hurting a bit more. She woke a few times and it was hard to see her so upset and be mostly unable to explain it to her. But she woke up smiling and talking in the morning:

She did a little better last night and is mostly happy now. You wouldn't even know she just had surgery unless you knew her well and could see that she's more irritable than normal. I think kids handle pain and sickness much better than adults do. Either that, or Mary was just so used to her throat hurting that this pain is not that out of the norm.

I'm glad we're past surgery! We're praising God for answering our prayers for her safety and for guiding the doctors. Here's to a quick recovery!

1 comment:

Julie said...

She is definitely a trooper - Love her.