Saturday, September 18, 2010

Red Door

I realized today that I've never mentioned Red Door on the blog! So I'll update you on the process we've been through as a family. Ian and I have always wanted to live, work, and do ministry in the same city. When we moved here we started to search out churches in the city. Although I already knew there probably wasn't one that we would want to belong to because when a church is making a difference in a city you usually hear about it! At least in Christian circles:) But even through asking friends they mostly said they went to church at the vineyard or churches outside the city, or that they went to one in Fairfield only because they had no better options.

About two years ago we got together with two other couples in our city. We dreamed with them about what our ideal church would look like. We talked about serving people in our community and coming together as a group to worship and learn. Well that started the Simple Church. So named because it's simple: we got together once a week to eat and study the bible at someone's house, and we took free stuff to people at an apartment complex near us to serve them, get to know them, and pray for them. It was great...except it felt like something was missing.

At the beginning of this year our friend Mark met a man named Josh who wanted to start a church and he called it Red Door, but they didn't have a location for it. He had people but no place. Enter us! So we all got to know Josh and his wife Tiffany a little better. The men talked theology and the women talked, well not about theology mostly:) And we decided that this group was biblically solid and was going somewhere. It the kind of group that you see and think, 'there's something different about them and I want to know what it is.' So our group joined with their group and we found a place to meet that was suitable for both. We started meeting once a week and again dreamed as a whole what this would be like. Nothing is perfect, but this group of people we call a church is just what we needed and where we want to be. I'm involved with the prayer team and the kid care, and Ian is on the lead team and does the small group curriculum. We're just getting started and it's so fun to be in the beginning stage with something like this.

If you'd like to learn more about what we're up to you can look at this website. I'm pumped about it!

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