Thursday, December 31, 2009

Best Christmas Gift

This is one of the gifts we gave our parents on Christmas:

All of the parents agreed that this was the best gift we gave them:) That's right, a new Lubbers is on the way. Most of you who read this already know that, but I thought you might like to see the only picture we have of our kid. I'm due mid-July! And again we won't be finding out the sex. Those are our thoughts as of now:) We really don't care if it's a boy or girl so what's the use in finding out?? Although it's so tempting to just find out at the ultrasound...we'll wait!

At my last appointment I found out I was 9 weeks and the baby's heart rate was really strong. I could even see little arms fluttering! I'm 12 weeks along now and have my next doctors appointment next week. There will be more updates as we get them!

Oh and happy new year! I'll say it now as I'll be going to bed at 9:30 tonight as usual. I've tried to become more disciplined about getting up an hour before Mary to read God's word and get focused for the day. It's been hard, but worth it! Unfortunately that also means I need to go to bed early. I need like 9 hours of sleep when I'm pregnant or I'm not a happy camper:)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Agree, best christmas gift!!!