Wednesday, October 21, 2009

14 months!

We took her 14 month pics a couple days early because it was such a beautiful day outside on Tuesday! And I wanted to take them at the park because fall is just awesome in Ohio. The trees changing colors is my favorite part of the season.

Right before she ate dirt for the first time:

I think she's cute when she cries, she probably doesn't appreciate me laughing at her:

Reaching for daddy:

And this is why I love fall:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

All bundled up

We happen to think Mary is pretty cute when she is all bundled up and ready to go outside. It's been pretty chilly lately so we've had to put her fleece on and then wrap her in a blanket for walks. I'll be sad when we can't take our walks outside anymore...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Daddy's Home!

I always try to watch for when Ian gets home so that Mary can go to the door. It is so cute to watch her. I open the door and say, "Mary! Guess who's here!!" And she walks over to the door and gets SO excited when she sees him. Somebody loves daddy!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

5K that we didn't really walk...

We went to a 5K for Children's Hospital this weekend and there were thousands of people there, on a trail that was about 10 feet wide. So we walked about a quarter of a mile and got out of "line" to go play with the toys:) Me, my mom, Brooklyn (my niece) and Mary went to the walk and basically ate lunch, rode rides, and played with the fall stuff they had. It ended up being a lot of fun. Especially riding the tilt-a-whirl with Brooklynn, who is 2 and a half. She screamed bloody murder the whole time, then said WEEEEEEEEE! And wanted to ride again. I SO wish that I had a video camera for that ride. I was laughing so hard I almost cried because she was clutching my arm so tight and I was trying to hold her close, and she kept going from terrified to loving it! It was so funny. We also rode on the carousel and despite Mary's face in the picture, once the ride started she was laughing and loving it!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

It seems like at first, all you get is pictures of them sleeping. Now it is such a rare opportunity because she always wakes up when I walk in her room. However, sometimes she doesn't!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

13 months

Just realized I never put up her 13 month pictures! Here are my favorites from that day. It was almost two weeks ago! So crazy how time flies now.