Tuesday, May 26, 2009

9 months ago today

I squeezed this beautiful thing out of me:

Last night I was reading this article about lighting. And the guy was saying sometimes the best lighting to shoot people in (with a camera not a gun) is when it's overcast. And sometimes the sun will poke through and throw a sweet color over people. So this morning it was two things:
1. Mary's 9 month birthday
2. Overcast
Coincidence? I think not. What do ya know...the lighting really makes all the difference.

A lot of times I will look at a picture and think, "how in the world did they make it LOOK like that???" Like I wouldn't even know what to do, but I'm starting to think that people just go out at the right times, when light is the best. They learn when the best times are to take pictures!
And lastly, two funny/frustrating pictures:
She was looking right at me and then heard a truck go by...drat

Beyonce butt:

1 comment:

The Sims Family said...

Megan, I can believe that this beautiful baby girl came from you. She is so precious. The pictures are awesome.