Friday, January 2, 2009


This break has been a very good one! We've basically hung out together a lot, spent some time with friends and family, and ate a lot of food. On New Years Lindsey, Darah, Amber, and I went to Outback for dinner and it was amazing! If you don't already know this, Mary is not allergic to anything. We got the tests back and they were all negative. So at Outback I got cheese fries and dipped them in ranch dressing. That's right. Having dairy back in my life is like a little taste of Heaven. Later that night me, Lindsey, and Darah played sequence. I don't know if you've ever played that game, but it's fun...and very hard to beat Lindsey. After three games (all of which Lindsey won) Darah and I ganged up on her and did whatever it took for her to lose. The sad thing is we tried to gang up on her in the second and third games and she still got two sequences before either of us got one. But in the forth game I took some hits so that Darah could beat Linds. It was very gratifying to actually get a sequence before someone else won. I might have to buy that game and make Ian play it with me! Maybe I can beat him a few times before he gets the hang of it, after that I know I'm toast. On second thought, maybe I won't get it ;) Anyway, two more days of time with all three of us, then Ian has to go back to work. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't a teacher. It's so great to have him home, and I know Mary loves seeing her daddy so much. We have to give him back to the kids at Fairfield on Monday though. Sad.

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