Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fun at Great Wolf!

Last weekend we went to Great Wolf Lodge by Kings Island for leader weekend. It was such a great weekend. We learned a lot, were encouraged in our faith, and got to spend some quality time together. Thanks to Emily we have some pictures of our time playing in the water park with Mary (I forgot my camera). I also want to say thanks to the girls who came as babysitters! Without you guys we wouldn't have been able to enjoy the weekend!

Mary was not happy with the water at first. But then we just sat her on our laps with the water only on her feet and moved her in slowly. She sat in the water with me for about 20 minutes after that. It was so cute! And we got to see the Buehlers and Mary's friend Tyler!

Monday, January 26, 2009

5 months today

Just when you thought Mary couldn't get any cuter... The first one is from bath time last night and the rest are from her 5 month photo shoot in our living room. She wasn't in the smiliest mood today for pictures, but she's still being cute!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday daddy!!!!!

Today is Ian's 29th birthday! Happy birthday big guy.

And of course I have a cute video of Mary to share. I had to try like 3 times to get a video of her making the noises she usually always makes. Whenever she saw the camera she would stop making noise, so I had to get her when she wasn't looking:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Smile Mary, It's time for your close up

I took some more pictures of Mary today. I got REALLY close to her face for some of them so I put all of those in a slide show. She also tried carrots for the first time today. It was funny watching her test them out. Most of them came right back out, but we were kind of expecting that. More carrots tomorrow! I'm making my own baby food, for now;) I actually enjoyed making it today. It didn't make as much as I hoped, but it really didn't take very long. I was expecting it to take a long time, but it didn't and it was really easy.

Monday is Ian's birthday. He'll be 29 in case you're wondering! Next year we're going to have a big 30th birthday bash. It's going to be awesome.

And just as a side note, Ian already wants another baby. I think he took his crazy pills or something. I still need a little more time I think. What if we had another baby with colic???? Then we would definitely be stopping at two. We'll just buy some more.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sure to put a smile on your face!

Today Mary laughed. I'm talking full out laughing. She has laughed a little before but not like this. It was the coolest thing I've ever heard! I ran to get the camera but she's not the best performer yet. I did catch her laughing a little though. It's awesome.

Friday, January 2, 2009


This break has been a very good one! We've basically hung out together a lot, spent some time with friends and family, and ate a lot of food. On New Years Lindsey, Darah, Amber, and I went to Outback for dinner and it was amazing! If you don't already know this, Mary is not allergic to anything. We got the tests back and they were all negative. So at Outback I got cheese fries and dipped them in ranch dressing. That's right. Having dairy back in my life is like a little taste of Heaven. Later that night me, Lindsey, and Darah played sequence. I don't know if you've ever played that game, but it's fun...and very hard to beat Lindsey. After three games (all of which Lindsey won) Darah and I ganged up on her and did whatever it took for her to lose. The sad thing is we tried to gang up on her in the second and third games and she still got two sequences before either of us got one. But in the forth game I took some hits so that Darah could beat Linds. It was very gratifying to actually get a sequence before someone else won. I might have to buy that game and make Ian play it with me! Maybe I can beat him a few times before he gets the hang of it, after that I know I'm toast. On second thought, maybe I won't get it ;) Anyway, two more days of time with all three of us, then Ian has to go back to work. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't a teacher. It's so great to have him home, and I know Mary loves seeing her daddy so much. We have to give him back to the kids at Fairfield on Monday though. Sad.